Rocky Mountain Dachshund Rescue
Financial & Legal InformationTransparency is the currency of trust
Rocky Mountain Dachshund Rescue (RMDR) was established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2022 in the state of Utah. Our rescue operates solely through the dedication of volunteers and is committed to the no-kill rescue of dachshunds and doxie-mix breeds, functioning as a public charity nonprofit.
We actively engage with our donors and potential supporters through various communication channels, including email, postal mail, and social media platforms. Our primary goals are to solicit contributions for our cause and to raise awareness about the mission of Rocky Mountain Dachshund Rescue, volunteer opportunities, and our participation in animal and community events.
These efforts are essential for advancing our mission of providing care and finding permanent homes for dachshunds in need. As a nonprofit organization with federal tax-exempt status, we are devoted to prudently managing and allocating donors’ funds to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Transparency in our financial operations is of utmost importance to us, and financial statements are available upon request by contacting us.
Your support helps us fulfill our mission and we invite you to reach out with any questions or to learn more about how you can get involved.

Zeffy offers completely fee free donations, covering all transaction fees. This ensures that 100% of your contribution directly supports RMDR and our mission. PayPal charges a fee of 1.99% + $0.49 for each donation, while Venmo charges 1.9% + $0.10. Please note: Both PayPal and Venmo deduct a percentage of your donation to cover their expenses. Zeffy is our preferred donation service as it incurs ZERO fees.


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